Sunday, April 22, 2012

Suppressed Emotions

"Dealing with powerful emotions can be challenging, especially when we are going through chaotic, sad, or cruel experiences in our lives. Often, it can seem like we have only two options for dealing with our feelings so they don't become too overwhelming. 

We may let our feelings out in an immediate and visceral way, or we may bottle them up by suppressing our emotions inside our bodies. Most people make the second choice, repressing their feelings in an attempt to deny them. The truth is that there are many positive ways to deal with emotions, and experiencing your negative feelings doesn't have to constitute a negative experience.
Denying your feelings is not only unhealthy for the mind and the body, but it may also rob you of valuable information you could be learning about yourself and your life. Suppressing your emotions can even impede your short-term memory. Acknowledging your feelings can help you better understand them and help you recover naturally from change, stress, and grief. "

(From the Daily OM

It was comforting to come across something that validated what I had been thinking. Sometimes it's too painful to express our emotions and so we suppress them. There has to be a healthy way to release those emotions. We can't hide from our feelings. Eventually we have to respond to them. And it's okay to feel anger and frustration. Allowing ourselves to feel the pain in life helps us to feel the joy.

There will be times of shadow and sunshine throughout our lives. Although it would be nice, we can't always sit in the sunshine.

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