Today I held a baby that was born a month before our last would have been. I was hesitant to pick her up at first. As I lifted her to my lap, she squealed with delight and I didn't think I could hold her without crying. I wanted to ask her if she knew my little angels. If only she could talk...
She smiled and giggled at me as I played Pat-a-cake with her. I held her up so she could jump and again she squealed with delight. I held her close and remembered how good it feels to snuggle a little one in my arms. Her brother noticed and came to stand at my side. He reminded me that this was his baby sister. I told him she was lucky to have such a wonderful brother. He agreed.
I handed the baby back to her mother and said good bye to my friends. Driving away, I reminded myself that I can't dwell on what might have been. I can't cry for what is lost or I will miss out on what I have. I have to look forward with hope for what will be.
Being sad and depressed when I see a baby, I will miss out on opportunities to snuggle one, even if only for a moment. Mothers with young babies often need another set of hands. Why can't I be those hands? Even if I'm not able to have more of my own children, I can help those who do. I can hold a squirmy baby. I can help a toddler tie their shoe. I can offer words of encouragement to my daughters friend. I can use my nurturing skills to bless the lives of other children as well as my own.
Today, I truly saw sunshine!