When I was a little girl, I had a soft, red blanket. Whenever I was sick or afraid, I wanted my red blanket to curl up in. It always brought me comfort. I loved that blanket until it literally fell apart. Sometimes we just need something to hold onto. Something that brings comfort.
A couple weeks ago, one of my pregnant friends found out her baby has spina bifida. After multiple ultrasounds and meeting with specialists they were told their baby will not make it. If he does survive delivery, he will not survive the surgeries needed to repair his imperfect body.
This special friend was recovering from miscarrying twins. A month later she was surprised to find she was pregnant again. They were thrilled when this pregnancy made it to 16 weeks. I admit. I did a happy dance with her. I know what that feels like.
She was shocked when the results of her standard 18 week tests showed positive for spina bifida. When follow up tests confirmed the original results she was a little discouraged but still hopeful. Her last ultra sound showed that it is actually the front of the baby that is exposed and its internal organs are being destroyed. She is now expecting her baby to die soon but still hopeful he will make it.
I had to do something for my friend to bring her comfort. Then I remembered my red blanket. I love to sew but I'm not really a quilter. How hard can it be? I decided on a simple design and have spent the last week putting together a baby blanket for my friend. Her baby deserves a blanket.
Sometimes we just need something that will bring comfort. When the world around us seems to be crashing in, we need something soft to hold onto. Sometimes we just need a friend who understands.